Monday, December 21, 2020

Short post

This afternoon, we had a major holiday disaster and I had to spring into action to attempt to save the day.

The cookie press, that my wife has used for almost 30 years, finally gave up the ghost and the end that holds the design plate cracked off the tube. This meant there would be no Christmas Tree cookies, no Star cookies and no Angel cookies.

I hopped into my trusty car and headed out to purchase a new one. I went to four different stores but my venture was a failure. Apparently you can buy a "oil sprayer" for your salad, an "electric chopper" for your nuts and a "one-handed wine bottle cork screw" but there are no cookie presses anywhere.

Fortunately, my daughter took it upon herself to create the cookie designs and we will all be enjoying Christmas Circle cookies this year.

Personally, I like cookies no matter what shape they are.


While I was watching The Antiques Roadshow and surfing the interwebs, I found this.
It made me smile.

Now that I'm home from my journey, I think I'll make some dinner and call it a day.

Here are a few links for your enjoyment:

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