Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Looks like I was right.

Trump has decided that he doesn't like the stimulus bill that took 4 months to negotiate and says he won't sign it.

His man Mnuchin has been part of these negotiations since they started back in September, passing Trumps demands on to Pelosi and McConnell but that doesn't matter to Trump. What matters to Trump is that we all think he is the big hero, stepping in at the last minute to grant us little people some baubles and alms.

Where was this idiot and his demand for $2,000 four months ago? Psycho Nancy would have signed off on that in a second and we wouldn't have waited all this time for relief. And now that the relief is on the horizon, he needs to be the hero and change the whole thing? I got news for him; if he vetoes the bill, his veto will be overridden. If his veto is not overridden, they go back to renegotiating. The only thing that comes out of his demand is to delay the stimulus checks.

Imagine those people that thought they might see some relief before Christmas and spent a few extra dollars on their kids. Wait till they find out they aren't going to see that money until January or February...

The man is an ass. He did it because he knows that on January 21st of 2021, a new bill will be introduced that will make him look like the arrogant jerk he is. He doesn't give a shit about us, he gives a shit about his legacy and he thinks this move will make him look like the good guy.

He's not a good guy. He's a heartless, arrogant, self-centered little prick who is trying his best to make himself look good. I really hope history remembers him poorly. I hope my grandchildren are taught that he was an asshole. And I mean that literally. I hope that in the future, US History textbooks have his picture captioned with the word "Asshole" underneath it.

There are some links directly below this sentence:

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