Thursday, December 24, 2020

Looks like I'm Extra right.

Remember yesterday when I was bitching about Trump being an asshole?

Turns out pretty much everything I said was accurate.

He surrounds himself with "YES" men, of whom who he demands complete loyalty and allegiance. He also demands they stroke his ego. He likes them to stroke it constantly and with vigor.

If I recall, government officials swear allegiance to the constitution, not to the president. They are sworn to uphold the values outlined in the document that this nation is built upon, not the ego and the demands of a spoiled, needy, brat. His desire to be thought of as the best president ever would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that he seems to enjoy hurting and insulting people.

He doesn't care who he hurts in his quest for greatness.

That single mom working three part-time jobs because she lost her full-time job back in March? Hey, if it weren't for Trump's job recovery, she wouldn't have any jobs at all!

All those bodies stacked in refrigerator trucks in New York City back in April? What bodies? There are no bodies! This is no big deal. You don't need to wear a mask! You don't need a respirator! Everything's great! You people should ignore those scientists and doctors who are using big words like viral and infectious and deadly.

I know that several months ago I said I would avoid politics but this isn't politics. I am genuinely concerned that this man is attempting to take absolute control over us and he's being helped by a cabal of senators/congressmen who are blindly following his lead without so much as a thought about what is happening to us, the citizens.

I'm done now, I promise. I won't bring it up again. At least not until he pisses me off.

It's Christmas Eve and that means I've already eaten more food than I should have with more to come.

Christmas will be celebrated virtually by our family. Our youngest and his girlfriend live in Boston and they will celebrate out there. Our eldest, his wife and our grandson live in Framingham and they will celebrate out there. We, my wife, my daughter and me, will celebrate here.

I'm kind of hoping next year is better. I don't like not being able to hang out with my family.

Here are some links that might entertain you:

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