Friday, July 1, 2022

Replacing door knobs

What should be the easiest job on the planet can sometimes become a real pain in the ass. Replacing door knobs is that kind of job.

If the new door knobs fits the holes and mortices that were made for the old door knobs, it's a simple plug-n-play kind of deal. You take the old hardware out, you put the new hardware in and, presto-chango, new door knobs.

In my case, I was replacing closet door knobs that have been in place since the 1970's. I probably should have replaced them 10 years ago but I didn't so today was the day.

The problem is the hole for the latch on the old hardware was a simple 3/4 inch hole with no mortice for a latch plate. The new hardware had a latch plate and that meant I had to mortice out the door to fit the plate in.

That meant breaking out my handy-dandy wood chisels and very carefully gouging out the amount of wood necessary to fit the plate. One slip of my old, unsteady hands and I would be looking at a door with big old chunk of wood missing from it.

I dragged a chair over, sat my raggedy butt down and took my time gouging out the mortice. It went okay and I'm pleased to say we now have new hardware in all of our gouge-free first floor closet doors.

Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield. Today I was the windshield.

The Red Sox did not play last night but the Blue Jays did. They beat the Rays and that moved them into a tie with the Red Sox for first place.

This afternoon, the Red Sox are in Chicago playing the cubs and right now, in the bottom of the sixth inning, they are down 6-5. The Blue Jays are also playing right now and they are up 5-1.

That means that there is a possibility the Red Sox will be in third place by one game at the end of the day today.

Right now, the best thing that can happen is the damned bullpen stops walking in runs and the batters start hitting the ball.

I'm going to watch the rest of this ball game and then toss some burgers on the grill.

You can check these out if you want:

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