Wednesday, July 12, 2023

All done

The shed is complete and the front porch bench is kinda complete.

All of the hinges on the shed door have a nice fresh coat of paint on them. I wasn't able to remove the bottom hinges due to the amount of rust on the screws so I left them in place, taped around them to protect the new paint, applied several generous coats of vinegar, scrubbed them as best I could with a brush and applied the rustoleum.

No, they did not turn out as nice as the others but they are acceptable.

The porch bench has had a second coat of paint applied and I'm waiting for it to dry before we bring it back out to the porch. It was white and now it's light grey. You would think that one coat would cover just fine but you would be wrong.

This pretty much completes all of the tasks I set out for myself and it means our house is now all spruced up.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go take some ibuprofen for my back and knees.

The National League beat the American League last night in the MLB All Star game and I did not watch it. Also, that victory means absultutely nothing.

That's right, the winning team gets nothing. Nada. Bupkiss. Zero. Zip. Zilch.

There is no advantage to winning the All Star game. It's strictly an exhibition game that the MLB puts on to get as much money as possible from fans and broadcasters.

The Webb Space telescope has had a busy year. This is its latest image:
That is a picture of something called the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud. It's a star nursery a long way away.

I have some burgers to grill and a bunch of Storage Wars to watch.

While I do that, you should check these out:

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