Friday, June 25, 2021

Busy afternoon

After work this morning, I spent some time working on my little linux / video camera project.

The software I'm using as the display console / web server is called Motion and it works great. It will take in several feeds from cameras and display them in a nice little webpage. The problem I'm having is getting the individual cameras to feed over the network to the motion server.

The one camera I was able to get to feed the server happened to be plugged in to a Raspberry Pi that was running Motion and using that process to feed the server. The problem is, a Pi isn't known for its ability to run several resource intensive processes like the ones that are built into Motion all at once.

Ideally, I want to use a linux tool called FFMpeg that will take the data from a camera and convert it to a video stream that can be either stored on the hard drive or fed directly to the network interface as a stream the the Motion server can ingest and display.

I'm having trouble getting that process to work correctly but hey, it's a work in progress and I'm doing it more for the learning than the results.

The Red Sox lost to the Rays last night, which means they lost the series 2-1. They are no longer in first place and their lead over the Yankees is down to three and a half games.

Tonight starts a three game series against the Yankees so I really hope they manage to overcome whatever ails them. They need to win this series. Ideally, it would be great if they swept the Yankees again.

Speaking of the Yankees, that game starts right now so I need to stop typing and start watching.

While I do that, you can do these:

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