Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Perfect day

Today was sunny and dry with temps around 72°. It was the perfect New England day and the main reason most of us dingbats stay in this part of the world.

Tomorrow will be 80 & sunny and not overly humid during the day. Friday and Saturday will be warmer, cloudier and possibly a bit damp and the humidity will start to creep up.

Sunday however, the winds will shift out of the south west and start dragging all that hot, humid air back up here where it will remain for several days. Humidity is predicted to be what is called "oppressive". That means I'll be trapped in my air conditioning again.

So I guess all I'm saying is enjoy the next few days. Don't sit around wondering what to do, go do something. Go hit a bucket of golf balls, take a hike, mow your lawn, whatever you want to do as long as it's outside.

Good for them because as far as I'm concerned, some of these school administrators and boards are nothing more than little Hitlers trying to jam their personal beliefs down students throats. They make it their personal mission to squash any dissent.

Students should have the right to speak their minds as long as it doesn't disrupt the educational process. If the parents feel the student is out of line, then it should be left to the parents to handle the situation, not the school board or school principal

And how much money did the school system have to spend to appeal the ruling? It can't be cheap to get a federal appellate court ruling pushed up to the Supreme Court. Any school system that has that much money to waste has too much money and should be required to return the surplus to the taxpayers. School systems should not have huge surpluses, they are a non-profit government entity.

I did not stay up to watch all of last night's Red Sox / Rays game but it was nice to wake up this morning, check the box scores and see that the Red Sox managed to put some runs on the board and hold off the Rays in the 11 inning to win the game.

With the win, the Red Sox are now one & a half games over the struggling Rays and five & a half over the Yankees.

We are fast approaching the All Star break (mid-July) which marks the half-way point in the season. That is usually when things start to fall apart for some teams and start picking up for other teams. If the Red Sox can go into the half-way mark with a division lead, they will at least start the second half with an advantage over the rivals.

For now though, things are holding steady for them. I'm still worried about their ability to overcome when they are behind but I'm happy when they prove me wrong.

Not sure what to do about dinner tonight but I am sure I'll be watching some baseball.

If you have nothing to do, you can visit these:

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