Sunday, June 13, 2021

Well, that didn't go well

The Red Sox lost yesterday and today.

The Blue Jays hit 5 home runs yesterday and 8 home runs today. They are hitting home runs like they are free of charge.

Well, if there is one thing I know about baseball, it's this:
    Every team will go through a slump or two during the season.
    Every team has one or two teams that they just can't beat, no matter how well they play.
    The Red Sox are a good team and this is an anomaly. They will play better soon.
Oh, and one more thing I know - Chris Sale is getting close to throwing off a mound and possibly entering the rotation in early July.

Several days ago, a young man who was a police officer in Worcester died when he dove into a pond in an attempt to save a drowning child. It was a tragedy for all concerned because not only did the thoe officer drown, the child drowned as well.

In keeping with tradition, whenever a police officer dies in the line of duty, hundreds of fellow officers turn out for the funeral and to provide some much-needed support for the family. In this case, the officer had a young wife and two little kids while the parents of the 14 year old boy are now without their son.

One of the things that has happened over the last several years is that politicians with socialist leanings have been slamming the police at every turn, claiming they are racist, they are thugs or, in the case of Obama, they are stupid.

Well, Officer Familia's wife is now the widow of one of those "racist, thuggish, stupid" cops and she decided that she didn't want certain members of the city government to attend the funeral service.

Those politicians were asked to respond to why they weren't at the funeral and they all basically said, "Well, I was asked to not attend even though I am an avid supporter of police." They said some other things about not understanding but they essentially played it off as a misunderstanding.

Familia's wife, Jennifer, felt she was put into a position where she had to explain why those members were not welcome at the funeral.

So she did...

Manny Familia is a hero who went forward to save someone. He didn't look back, he didn't think twice, he simply did what he could to save someone. This is something every cop I know would do. It's in their DNA.

Jennifer Familia is a hero who defends her husbands honor and his memory in his absence. She accepts no bullshit from bullshit artists and she is unafraid to make her thoughts known. It's what the spouse of a cop does.

I'm going to tackle my DVRs in an attempt to relieve the strain on the overloaded hard drive.

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