Friday, June 24, 2022

66 percent is better than 0 percent

Today we took delivery of two appliances. Unfortunately, neither one of those appliances was a refrigerator which is something we need very badly. It is the one appliance in our house that is not working.

We have been assured that we will receive our refrigerator tomorrow afternoon. If that goes as planned, I will be a happy guy who can once again have a cold glass of juice in the morning.

The SCOTUS made it official today and they have overturned Roe v. Wade. This means that states are now allowed to create anti-abortion laws if they are so inclined.

Too be honest with you, I'm pretty sure that was the intent of the Founders - let each state decide what it wants to do. If Texas wants to lock pregnant rape victims up for trying to get an abortion, then good for Texas. Anyone that doesn't want to live like that can move to New York.

Now if the federal government tries to enact legislation that makes abortion illegal on a national level, I'm gonna have a problem with that.

Just sayin' is all.

I'm going to try and figure out these new cooking machines and then watch some baseball.

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