Friday, June 3, 2022

90% rust free

I pulled all of the golf clubs I have out of the rafters and managed to form one complete set. They need to be cleaned and one or two have some rust on them that I think I can get off with a scrubby.

Then I dug out all of the golf balls I have and it turns out I have a box of Calloway and a box of Top Flights. I admit that those golf balls are probably 20 years old but they are shiny new to me. I also have a shitload of tee's, an equal number of ball markers, and a couple of golf gloves.

Of the two golf bags I have, one is crap and it's back up in the rafters. The other isn't terrible but it could stand for a good washing. Years of rafter dust has accumulated on it and after touching it, my hands feel sticky.

All-in-all, I have the equipment to play golf. It won't be the fanciest or newest equipment on the course but, what the hell, I'm not joining the PGA, I'm just looking to whack a ball in a hole.

Besides, there is a real possibility that once I do this, I'll decide it's not a good idea, shove everything back up into the rafters and go back to sitting on my ass watching baseball.

Once again, it appears that Goofy Joe is making shit up in order to convince us we should listen to him.

Look Joe, this is shit bad enough that you don't have to make stuff up. Start speaking the truth and maybe people will listen to you. You're as bad as Trump when it comes to bullshitting us. And that's saying something because Trump lies every time sound comes out of him.

Stop it. Stop lying to us.

There will be baseball tonight but I won't be watching it. Instead I'll be watching bad television or maybe the youtubes.

I hate it when the Red Sox play on the west coast because that three hour time difference makes it next to impossible for me to see more than an inning or two.

Tonight starts a three-game series against the Athletics. Eovaldi will be on the mound for the Red Sox.

The Athletics have a worse record than the Red Sox. As a matter of fact, they have a worse record than the Orioles which should give you an idea as to why I say I hope the Red Sox sweep the series. At the very least, they should take two of the three games.

In other baseball news, the Phillies fired Joe Girardi today.

Joe just didn't get the players to give their all and I don't think he saw eye-to-eye with ownership.

I'm betting he'll be back on MLBtv soon, picking up the broadcast career he started after the Yankees fired him back in 2017.

Here are todays interesting interweb tidbits:

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