Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Five game winning streak

With last nights win over the Angels, they now have a five game winning streak and are 6½ games ahead of the Orioles. More importantly, they are fast sneaking up on the both the Blue Jays and the Rays. They are only 3½ games behind the Rays and 4½ behind the Blue Jays.

Once again, tonights game will start after 9:30 so there is almost no chance I'll be watching more than an inning or two. I made it through two full innings last night but that was it.

I'll be glad when next week rolls around and they are back in the same time zone as me and the games start at a reasonable hour.

I've avoided this because, well, I wasn't there and I have no idea what happened. But reading all the news stories from witnesses and the constant barrage of ever changing "facts" coming from the authorities, I have something to say:

It's going to be a very long time before the people of Uvalde, Texas trust their local and state police again. And rightfully so. Those people weren't just let down, they were abandoned in their hour of need.

I gotta be honest with you, I can find no reason why all those heavily-armed "men" stood around listening to gun shots coming from a classroom and not one of them decided to say to the chief, "Screw you. I can't listen to this anymore. I'm going in. You can fire me later."

Those are "men" with either no intelligence, no compassion or no balls. I look at them and I see a bunch of fools playing soldier but when the real shooting starts, they are cowards, afraid to step up and do the right thing.

I get it, no one wants to put themselves into danger and no one knows how they will react when faced with that type of danger but how can anyone with a heart not want to protect little kids.

Oh, and before I forget, I have one other thing to say to school authorities everywhere: STOP HOLDING ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILLS FOR YOUR STUDENTS!

You are accomplishing two things - you are frightening the kids and you are teaching the future murders what they can expect when they enter the school. That asshole that shot all those little kids was fresh out of high school and it's a pretty good bet he had been given the complete game plan on what the teachers and students would do when he entered the school. He knew what to expect and it probably worked to his advantage.

Well, that was depressing.

Here are some links that hopefully aren't such a downer:

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