Tuesday, January 10, 2023

I need to remember this

On January 10th of 2023, my town was no longer experiencing any drought conditions. Hell, we aren't even "abnormally dry".

I want to remember this come July or August of this year when my lawn turns brown and then a light grey and we find ourselves in the midst of an "extreme drought".

Before everyone starts ranting about how they searched Trump's office because he had classified documents, let's keep in mind that the FBI is indeed investigating Biden et al over this. They didn't need to get a search warrant because the Biden documents were found by staff at the center and immediately turned over to the national archives. In Trumps case, the documents were found by staff and hidden. They also failed to respond to subpoenas demanding the return of the documents. The FBI had no choice but to conduct a search.

So let's recap:
  • Biden's people found the documents and said, "Holy Crap! We're not supposed to have these! We better get them to the appropriate government agency right away!"

  • Trump's people found the documents and said, "What? We don't have any documents. We might have some documents but they aren't classified Oh, those over there? Those used to be classified but we took them out of the envelopes that said 'TOP SECRET' so they are no longer top secret. Besides, President Trump waved his magic wand this morning and declassified them anyways."
Biden is a bumbling fool and he's a liar but I don't think he's as arrogant and self-centered as Trump. He knows when things go wrong, he needs to be able to say he did the right thing. Trump believes that he can do whatever he wants to do and screw the rules. He believes rules are for "the little people", not him.

I still can't retire but at least it's moving in the right direction.

Once again we are at a loss for what to make for dinner.

While I consider my gastronomic options, you can consider these:


No, I did not buy a Mega Millions ticket. $1,100,000,000 just isn't enough for me to spend $2.00.

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