On the down side, if it does grow it means I will have to mow it which is somethig I've only had to do sporadically this summer.
I have to admit to being a little hungover today.
I met John at a local victualer last night and had a few more adult beverages than I probably should have. On top of the hangover, I have a head cold that is causing my nose to run like a faucet.
I'm hoping that the head cold is one of those three or four day ones and is gone by next week because I want to get some flying in.
A stuffy head does not go well with significant changes in altitude.
I'm going to watch the Red Sox but I've kind of given up hope that they'll end the season with the best record. There are only three games left in the season and they are currently two games behind the Rangers.
That means the Rangers need to lose two games while the Red Sox need to win all three games in order to end the season with the best record.
Here are a few links:
- Only in Florida.
- Also, only in Florida.
- This is your butt. This is your butt on drugs.
- Researchers: Contributing to the betterment of society or a complete waste of perfectly good oxygen.
- Oops...
- The French are very passionate about customer service.
- What is it with people dressing up as clowns. Is this a new thing?