Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Once again they are tied for first.

This is getting a little old. They just can't seem to capture and retain first place.

Since the Blue Jays are playing the Yankees again and the Red Sox are playing the Padres again, maybe they will all repeat what they did last night and the Red Sox will come out of it in sole possession of first place.

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

I'll be glad when this damned Hermine moves away from us. I won't fly in winds like this because - and I know this might come as a shock to some of you - I'm not stupid.

I have however planned my first cross-country flight. My plan is to fly to two different tower-controlled airports and then return to Northampton. I also plan to travel more than the required 150 miles.

My plan is to leave Northampton and take a short hop over to Westfield. That is a tower controlled airport where I will land, set the airplane up for the next leg and then depart.

My second stop will be Lebanon, NH, also a tower controlled airport, where I will land, set the aircraft up for the next leg, probably go inside & use the bathroom and then depart.

My third and final stop will be back at Northampton.

This is a total distance of about 180 miles and it should take me roughly two and a half hours.

Now if I can find a nice day to do it, I'll be happy.

You can visit these links if you would like:

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