Friday, July 24, 2020

And so it begins

At 7:30 this evening, the Red Sox will welcome the Orioles to Fenway Park and we will get to watch them play baseball.

All I have to say about that is:

It's about freakin' time.

And that is all I have to say about that.

There are two things I never do anymore:
  1. I don't go on facebook.
  2. I don't go on Twitter.
There are three things I have never done:
  1. I have never been on instagram.
  2. I have never been on snapchat.
  3. I have never been on tiktok.
Simply put, I have far more enjoyable ways to spend my time online than listening to a bunch of political bullshit from people that are so focused on their particular beliefs that they think everyone else is a moron.

I read four or five different news articles on the same subject so that I can form my own opinions. I do this because the news media all love to slant stories to meet their particular agenda.

I enjoy watching youtube videos of people doing things like woodworking, fixing a car, building stuff from arduino's (look them up), etc... far more than I would ever enjoy watching someone explain how terrible [insert name of politician] is and how everyone that doesn't [insert quirky societal belief] is a moron.

Social media, and media in general, has brought out the worst in us. Instead of being a tool that is bringing us together, it has driven a divisive wedge between us. The shit that promised to connect us has disconnected us and if you are using your social media to espouse your political beliefs, you are the problem.

Stop it.

While I settle in to watch some much-missed baseball, you can settle in to click on these:

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