Thursday, July 16, 2020

Presenting the fuzzballs

My wife and daughter picked these two creatures up from a shelter yesterday.

These two sisters were born in an alley to a stray mom so they aren't really used to relating to humans. As a matter of fact, they spend the majority of their time under heavy furniture and when we fish them out, they are not really happy with us.

But given enough time and attention, they will turn into reasonably happy members of our house and make this their home.

Until then, they'll just have to get used to being dragged out from under the couch with a broom.

As for The Small Dog, she wants nothing more than to be their special friend. She wants to play!

They, on the other hand, want nothing to do with her. They would like to be left alone. They would like her to go chase rabbits or squirrels or chipmonks or something.

At some point I will watch a little baseball. Maybe I'll do it with a kitten on my lap.

While I do that, you should consider clicking on these:

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