Friday, July 3, 2020

"Spring" Training is going on. was running a cycle of live video from each of the ballparks. Unfortunately, when they go to Fenway, they decided to shrink the live feed down to 25% of the screen and show a Jim Beam commercial on the other 75%. I couldn't tell who was taking batting practice but I could tell they kinda sucked.

I'm thinking everyone is out of shape and the first few games are going to look like the games my rec league teams used to put on when I was coaching the kids.

Won't matter to me because it will still be baseball.

We have gotten quite a bit of rain lately but it's too late for my lawn. In a lot of spots, it's deader'n a doornail and where it still shows life, I suspect it won't be looking nice and green until next spring.

I should have invested in a grass seed company instead of an airline.

Tonight is game 5 of the 2018 World Series. Spoiler alert: The Red Sox win, taking the series 4 games to 1.

While I do that, you can do these:

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