Sunday, July 5, 2020

I'm really hoping they don't cancel the season

Looks like some players are opting out of this season and a few others are on the fence.

David Price has said he will not play for the Dodgers this season and Mike Trout has indicated that he is considering dropping out because his wife is pregnant and he doesn't want to risk bringin covid into his home.

I understand the concern but I also think if we life our lives bereft of any risks, we will lose something. We will become like rabbits - afraid to venture out, afraid that everything that moves will kill us....

Wait, rabbits are a bad example because basically everything that moves does kill them. I watch those owls take an adult rabbit and turn it into dinner for four.

Back to the subject of baseball, I hope they play. It would make the world a little more normal to have baseball back.

Time for dinner and then some DVRs.

Here are some links:

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