Sunday, July 12, 2020

I mowed my dead grass

About 50% of my lawn is brown, dead grass, another 10% is crab grass/weeds that have moved into the areas with the dead grass is and the remaining 40% is nice healthy green grass that gets long. That means I have to mow it and since the good stuff is scattered throughout the dead stuff, I have to mow the whole lawn.

So I did.

If you live in Massachusetts, I would like you to write your state senator right now in support of three amendments to the Police Reform Bill that is in the Senate.

Eric Lesser is my state senator so this is what I wrote. You can copy and paste, change the name & email address to your senator and

Subject: Police Reform Bill S.2800

Senator Lesser,

I am a resident of the town of Wilbraham and a registered voter.
I am a supporter of law enforcement and I ask that you vote yes for the following amendments to the Police Reform Bill (S.2800):
114 - Representation on POSAC.
134 - Opportunity for Appeal.
137 - Special Commission to Study Qualified Immunity.

Thank you for your attention.
My Name Was Here
My Address Was Here.

Those three amendments are designed to give law enforcement the means to do their jobs. The police reform bill is looking more and more like something that will prevent cops from actually doing their jobs. And if the police can't do their jobs, it will fall on the shoulders of all of us to protect our person and property from those that would do us harm.

Personally, I would rather have the police be able to do their jobs than have to spend a lot of money stocking up on ammo.

Not that I have a problem with stocking up on ammo. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have enough ammo.

While you write an email to your state senator, I'm going to watch the 1999 All Star Game.

After you finish your email, you can click on these:

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