Friday, July 17, 2020

I can confirm that they purr

Despite being born in the wild and never really having any human contact until the shelter, I can confirm that the two fuzzballs do indeed enjoy being petted and are capable of purring quite loudly.

They are slowly beginning to learn that no one is going to do them any harm and while they still hide under the couches, once brought out and set on our laps, the snuggle in and start purring.

We are pleased to learn that they can purr.

And eat. We are kind of amazed at how much two little tiny kittens can eat.

And poop. We are also pretty amazed at how much two little kittens can poop.

These are small yet powerful digesting machines.

As for The Small Dog, she really wants to be friends with them. She keeps licking them and sniffing them and nudging them. They, on the other hand, are either ambivalent or pissed, depending on which one is the object of her attention. One just looks at her and then ignores her. The other one gives off the tiniest little hiss that has no effect on The Small Dog and shrinks down into a ball.

This has been your kitten update.

Tonight's baseball game is from 2018 and I can assure you that I will watch it.

We are currently 4 days away from live baseball when the Red Sox will play the Blue Jays in a "spring training" game. We are currently 7 days away from the Home Opener against the Orioles.

In case you are wondering, yes, I'm looking forward to it.

While I watch old baseball, you can click these links:

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