Monday, July 20, 2020

Everyone is getting along... kinda.

ABK (All Black Kitten) has decided that TSD (The Small Dog) is nothing more than a mild intrusion and she doesn't seem to mind when TSD licks her or sniffs her. ABK did get a little miffed when she was eating and TSD started drinking water out of the bowl right next to her. Seems that TSD might have splashed some water on ABK.

As for KWP (Kitten with White Paws), she hisses at TSD and has no desire to be her friend. She has, however, taken a liking to the Cat Condo:

This has been your kitten update.

The BYEYJEP (Boring Yet Effective Yellow Jacket Elimination Project) is moving along. I checked it this morning and noticed that all of the dead ones from yesterday were either missing or chopped up. I suspect the survivors are feasting on them.

When I checked it this afternoon, there were several new cadavers laying on the ground.

This has been your BYEYJEP update.

No baseball or hockey this evening. Guess I'll have to watch some DVRs.

While I do that, you can do these:

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