Wednesday, July 15, 2020

We have a cat condo

We also have kittens but since they are hiding under some really heavy furniture, I don't have any pictures of them.

What I do have is a picture of the cat condo:

Eventually, once the kittens decide that no one, including The Small Dog, is going to kill them, we will hang some toys off it so they learn to play there and scratch that instead of any of our furniture.

When that happens, I will take a picture of them.

Until then, just pretend there are two little, tiny black kittens in the above picture.

Oh, and for the record, The Small Dog doesn't want to hurt the kittens. She just wants to mother them. She wants to lick them and herd them and love them. The problem is that she is kind of an aggressive licker. (Yes, I realize the "Aggressive Licker" would be a great name for a 1990s punk rock band.)

Tonight's baseball game is from 2016.

While I watch the game and make sure The Small Dog isn't licking the fur off the kittens, you can visit these links:

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