Friday, July 10, 2020

We're building a cat condo

My wife and daughter have decided that we need two kittens. They found two sisters that are all of about 8 weeks old and those two need to come live with us. So sometime next week, we will be bringing home two little fur-bearin' critters to join the hoard of fur-bearin' we currently have living here.

Cats, especially kittens, like to scratch at things. Particularly furniture things. My daughter and I are in the processes of trying to build something that is more attractive to them than our couches.

I acquired two 3 foot long 2x4s, trimmed them to 3 inches wide, knocked off the corners at a 45° angle and glued them together so they form a 3 foot long, 3 inch wide, eight-sided post. That post will be wrapped tightly in manilla rope to form a scratching post that I really hope the cats think is the best thing since momma's milk.

The post will be put on a base along with a "house" that the cats can go into or sit on. It will also have a platform at the top of the post that gives them something to climb up on and survey their kingdom.

I can't wait until The Small Dog meets The Little Kittens. It's gonna be fun for all concerned.

Enjoy these links while I figure out what to do about carpet on the kitty condo:

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