Sunday, July 26, 2020

Damn, it's hot

And it's going to get hotter.

Thank goodness for air conditioning.

I was not a fan of Regis Philbin but I will say that he seemed like a decent enough guy. He struck me as a guy that if he sat down next to me at the bar, I'd probably end up talking with him before the evening was over.

We need more people like him in our world.

Red Sox played at 1:30 this afternoon and lost 7-4 to the Orioles.

Their pitching sucks and their hitting isn't a lot better. It's like watching a little league team. The pitchers are bouncing the ball to the plate and the hitters are doing that "hesitancy" thing they do when they have no idea if they should swing or take. That is a timing issue and I know it will improve as the season goes on.

In other baseball news, "multiple" players on the Florida Marlins have just tested positive for the 'rona. CBS is saying at least 3 but that's a guess.

Let's hope this thing doesn't get out of hand. if too many players on too many teams test positive, they will cancel the season and I'll be back to watching 20 year old ball games.

Every once in a while, I like to run a speed test. This is what my router gets for speed:
Remember when we were all excited about those "super fast" 56k dial-up modems?

Enjoy these links:

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